Executive recruitment search

Executive recruiting:
Brainy Hires for business success

Our executive search and recruitment agency provides efficient solutions for tech companies seeking top executives. We connect tech companies with top C-level executives, ensuring alignment with your strategic goals and driving success on a global scale.

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Executives Recruitment: Search and Hiring Services

Our C-level executive recruiters provide expert recruiting solutions to ensure you find the best candidates for your key job positions.

How we work:


Conduct in-depth consultations with the client.

  1. Analyze the company's strategic goals and the role's impact on achieving these goals.
  2. Understand the company's culture, values, and expectations for the C-level position.

Identify essential qualifications, skills, and experience required for the role.

  1. Determine soft skills and leadership qualities that align with the company’s culture.
  2. Establish criteria for evaluating candidate’s fit with the strategic direction of the company.

Conduct market research to identify where potential candidates are currently employed.

  1. Use professional networks, industry databases, and executive search techniques to find candidates.
  2. Create a talent map that highlights key individuals and their career trajectories.

Review and evaluate talents based on the desired candidate profile.

  1. Use initial screening calls or video interviews to assess qualifications and interest.
  2. Administer behavioral and psychometric assessments.
  3. Verify candidates’ credentials, including education and professional certifications.
  4. Compile a shortlist of the most promising candidates.

Provide comprehensive candidate reports, including resumes, assessment results, interview notes.

  1. Highlight each candidate's strengths and potential contributions to the company.
  2. Schedule presentation meetings to discuss each candidate with the client.

Facilitate the client’s interview process.

  1. Coordinate and schedule interviews between the client and shortlisted candidates.
  2. Gather and consolidate feedback from all interviewers.

Finalize the terms of employment with the selected candidate.

  1. Assist the client in preparing a competitive job offer.
  2. Negotiate terms, including salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment.
  3. Ensure both the client and candidate are satisfied with the agreed terms.

Ensure a smooth transition
for the new hire.

  1. Provide ongoing support and check-ins with the new hire during the first few months.

SpotBussiness areas we cover

    SpotTechnical roles we cover

    Head of Sales
    Head of Legal
    Head of HR/Recruitment
    Software Development
    Hardware and Devices
    Cloud Computing
    Data Management
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
    HealthCare and MedTech

    Payment Model

    Exclusive cooperation

    The fee for finding a single specialist is calculated as 20% of the specialist's annual salary. And it includes:

    • Brainy Only Handling
    • Free consultation
    • Dedicated recruiter
    • 3-months guarantee
    • Reports and analytics
    • Prepayment fee is 30%
    • Free candidate replacement in case of failed probation period

    Next service

    Recruiting Audit


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