Career consultations for job seekers

Our tailored career consultation services are designed to assist job seekers in strategically navigating their career paths. We provide individualized guidance, encompassing market trend analysis, resume optimization, and interview preparation. Our expert career strategies and insights empower candidates to approach their job search with confidence, positioning them to secure their ideal roles in a competitive job market.



Gather information about the individual's background, skills and goals.

Goal Setting

Clarify short-term and long-term career objectives.

Options Exploration

Present suitable career options based on interests and skills.

Market Insights

Share industry trends and job market information.

Profile Enhancement

Review and optimize resumes and LinkedIn profiles.


Provide guidance and resources for successful interview performance and effective networking strategies

Job Search Strategy

Assist in creating a personalized job search plan, including online platforms and networking.

Negotiation Guidance

Provide salary negotiation insights


Offer ongoing support and progress checks.


FREE for Ukrainian volontiers, military, switchers and juniors
Project based work: 50$/ h

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