
At the heart of our sourcing service is a deep dive into the talent pool to uncover hidden gems perfect for your organization. We employ advanced methodologies to tap into both active and passive talent pools, ensuring a diverse and skilled candidate list for your business needs. Our sourcing strategy is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a high-quality candidate pipeline.


Discovery call

We begin with a detailed call to understand your needs and establish a specialist profile. We also discuss the current job market scenario to ensure alignment.

Sourcing strategy crafting

Using insights from the call, we design a tailored strategy. This includes a search plan, a list of potential candidates, evaluation scorecard, alignment with company culture and other essential elements.

Sourcing (targeted outrich)

We proactively navigating our database and platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, Facebook, Telegram, Stack Overflow, MeetUp and others


Project based work: 70$/ h

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Recruiting Audit


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